
My Camp @ The New Yorker.

An afterword to Lee Yaron’s 10/7: 100 Human Stories.

An email from Tel Aviv @ Fictionable.

On Luc Tuymans’s Polarisation @ The Paris Review.

An introduction to Elias Canetti’s The Book Against Death @ The Paris Review.

Return to the Museum in A Cage Went in Search of a Bird.

An introduction to S.J. Perelman’s Crazy Like a Fox.

A translation of Yitzhak Laor’s He That Loveth Many Days @ Ten Seven.

Shloshim (from the diary) in Shelter: October 7th and After (English) (Hebrew).

An introduction to Miroslav Krleža’s On the Edge of Reason @ The New York Review of Books.

On Benjamin Balint’s Bruno Schulz: An Artist, a Murder, and the Hijacking of History @ The New York Times Book Review.

Guest-edited Amerike! supplement of Hava LeHaba #19 (Hebrew).

Laudatio for Ulrich Blumenbach, on his receiving the Paul Celan Preis.

An abridged version of an introduction to Lion Feuchtwanger’s The Oppermanns @ The New York Times.

On Jared Kushner’s Breaking History: A White House Memoir @ The New York Review of Books.

An introduction to I Want to Keep Smashing Myself Until I Am Whole: An Elias Canetti Reader.

On January 6, 2021 @ Haaretz (Hebrew).

A letter to Time Out Israel (Hebrew).

An introduction to Ludwig Hohl’s The Notes: or On Non-premature Reconciliation.

An excerpt from The Netanyahus @ N+1.

On Blake Bailey’s Philip Roth: The Biography @ Harper’s.

An introduction to Ann Quin’s Three.

On Don DeLillo’s The Silence @ The New York Times Book Review.

An introduction to He: Shorter Writings of Franz Kafka.

Notes from the Cave @ Bookforum.

On the virus @ FAZ.

On Harold Bloom @ Library of America.

Analog 1999 @ Tin House.

An introduction to Gregor von Rezzori’s Abel and Cain.

Israel’s Season of DiscontentThe New Republic.

On Philip Roth @ The New Republic.

Mall Camp, Seasons 1 & 2 @ Granta.